Saturday, February 28, 2015

Aloe Vera: The Amazing Healing Plant

Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries around the entire world. Even Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used it in her everyday beauty regimen. Christopher Columbus even used it to heal soldiers' wounds. In the early 1800's, aloe in the U.S, was used as a laxative and by the 1930's it was successfully used to treat severe radiation dermatitis. 

This amazing plant is filled with vitamins vital to the health of our bodies and skin. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), B & C. These are all antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in and on our bodies. Aloe also contains vitamin B-12, folic acid, and bradykinase, which is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation of the skin.  

Aloe Vera is widely known for its great benefits for our skin. It is a natural vulnerary, which means that it helps to heal wounds such as burns and scrapes. Aloe is a natural antiseptic and antipruritic, so it kills bacteria, some viruses and fungi, prevents and relieves itching of the skin. Every skin type can reap the benefits of this plant. It is filled with healing and soothing properties. It is also known to repair collagen and elastin in the skin making it more flexible. It is an excellent emollient that brings oxygen to skin cells making your skin brighter and more radiant. Aloe Vera gel can easily be incorporated into your everyday skin care routine. It will work great in combination with your moisturizers. I apply the gel after my toner and under my moisturizers. I find that I wake up with glowing skin! 

 Aloe Vera is a great choice for people who suffer from acne because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. While eliminating bacteria, it is also helping to sooth and reduce redness from inflamed breakouts. You can apply it however you want, I sometimes l put on a thick layer before the shower and let in seep into my skin with the steam. If you have an aloe plant, like I do, you can snip a piece of a leaf off and rub the gel directly onto your skin. The plant will kind of heal itself after you cut off a piece and keep on growing. It truly is an amazing versatile plant that I would recommend to anyone with skin!     

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