Friday, February 6, 2015

Hi, I'm Kate, I'm a 21 year old esthetician/make up artist based in Boston, Massachusetts. This is my first blog post ever. I'm not sure how these things are supposed to go but I think I have a slight idea. 
I have many interests and passions. I love skin care (obviously, I'm an esthetician). I love the skin and everything about it. I find it completely fascinating that this organ is built to protect our insides, and how well it stands up to the elements. Yes, the skin is naturally made to withstand harsh weather and environments. However, there are a number of things that we can do to protect our skin to keep it as healthy and strong as it can be. Sure, we want our skin to be healthy and strong to protect our bodies but, we also want it to look youthful and beautiful. In my opinion, the health of my skin is the most important, but how my skin looks and feels is right up there with it. 
I wanted to become an esthetician because I had always suffered from acne and just overall unhealthy, unbalanced skin. This made me so self-conscious and shy. I always thought that people were looking at my skin and not at me. I wanted to be able to help people that were just like me with their skin and hopefully help them gain confidence. On the topic of the skin, I am most interested in acne, how to control and manage it. Though there is no cure for this skin disorder, there are so many things that contribute and aggravate acne break- outs. But, with the correct use of a proper skin care regimen designed for your specific skin type you can successfully keep acne at bay and possibly never experience an inflamed break-out again! 
Being a make up artist I have a firm, educated understanding of the technical elements of make up artistry. I love make up! It's fun and gives you an opportunity to be creative, and also show your personal style. The thing that I hate about make up is that it too often replaces confidence in women. So many, many young girls and women use make up incorrectly. Not in the way that you'd think. But, they use it in a way to cover themselves up and use it to make themselves look like a different person. I have been  guilty of this beauty crime way too many times. Now, I only use make up to enhance what I naturally look like. I aspire to teach woman how to properly use make up, and show them how to glow from the inside out!
Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. An extremely important part of the health of your skin. What we put into our mouths has an enormous impact on our skin, body, happiness, attitudes and everything in between. Having a plant-based, whole food diet gives your body the chance to thrive. In an upcoming post I will go into more detail about how a healthy diet can change you as a whole. 

I created BIObeauty for a million different reasons. Some reasons to inspire myself, but mostly to help and inspire others. The "BIO" in BIObeauty stands for; 1.) 'Belief In Oneself' which is my main definition of confidence. Self confidence is the key to your own success. If you don't believe in yourself how do you expect others to believe in you? And 2.) 'Vitality' bio, coming from the greek word bios which means 'life'. Vitality is the power that we have to live and grow. We should all be living our lives to the fullest and growing everyday.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share my thoughts and advice to millions of people. Even if I just help one person change their lives by thinking positively and becoming more confident I will be a success.  

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