Saturday, February 14, 2015

Water Intake 

One of the most basic, yet most commonly over-looked, amazing things that we can do for our bodies is to drink plenty of water! Water is so important for humans, I mean, we are water based creatures so staying hydrated is key to keeping our bodies functioning at its best. Water is so simple but so incredible. It can flush out any toxin or impurity in our system. Most people probably think that they are drinking enough water. In fact, almost the entire population is suffering from chronic dehydration. In the book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water the author goes into detail and explains that obesity, pains, and premature physical degeneration are all related to being chronically dehydrated. 

Keeping your body hydrated is essential to healthy, radiant skin. It will also keep all of your organs functioning properly. Drinking the correct amount of water for your body can boost your immune system. The standard "rule" is 8-10 12 oz. glasses of water per day. This can be a bit excessive if you are consuming large amounts of raw plant foods (at least 80% of your diet). A good equation to find your perfect "dose" of water is
               Your total weight / 4  = # of oz. you should drink daily

If you find water boring, try adding some lemon or lime! They offer flavor and great cleansing properties. They are able to dissolve mucus in the body and allow the water you are drinking to move more freely in your body. The best time to drink an ample amount of water is first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Every morning you should drink at least 16 oz of water before you even get out of bed! It's not a good choice to drink water during or immediately after a meal. Water can dilute the digestive fluids in your body which can lead to poor vitamin absorption, and will make your body work harder to digest the food. Try drinking before your meals, you may even find that when you do, you're not as hungry as you thought you were. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger which lead us to overeat! 

Drinking plenty of water is a crucial part of our health and beauty. You will be surprised how good you feel and look when you start consuming the right amount for your body!

See what happened when this woman drank a gallon of water a day for a month!

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